Exit Interview & Employment Forms

Exit Interview & Employment Forms

Attention Graduates

As you near your graduation, we ask you to complete the our exit interview form. It helps us determine your plans and any assistance we can provide as you transition throughout your journey at BU.  Based on that document, if self-employment, in-field employment, or waiver relates to your situation,  please select the appropriate icon below and complete the form.  If you have questions, then please contact Career Services at (855) 889 – 2830 or email us at careerservices@bryanuniversity.edu.  

Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated.  

Why is this important?
In order to maintain and improve our programs, we need to keep up to date on the success of our students. In truth, without the feedback we receive through these forms from YOU, the members of the BU Community we would cease to be a successful institution. 

Please view this form explaining what forms we collect and what you may need to include with them as supporting evidence: 

Accreditation Forms

Are you self-employed, have a job to report, need a waiver, or have accreditation form questions? Per ACCSC accreditation guidelines, Bryan University reports our graduates’ successes by reporting career outcomes. Explore the options below to learn more and fill out your respective form option.

Please complete the Self-Employment form if you are self-employed with your own company, are a 1099 Independent Contractor, or work from home.

Please complete the In-Field Employment form if you have found a regular full-time or part-time job in your program of study.

Please fill out the Waiver if you haven’t obtained employment due to being Active Military, if you plan to continue your education at Bryan University, or other reasons.