Governing Documents
Positions of Office
The President is charged with hosting the weekly meetings or delegate this role to others. The President will help to create a weekly agenda based on student feedback, needs, and desires.
Current President: Angel Craig
The Vice-President will assist the President in hosting weekly meetings as requested and assist in the creation of a weekly agenda. The Vice President will additionally post updates regarding meetings on the Paralegal Club YellowDig.
Current President: Anne Nims
The Secretary shall be responsible for taking notes including student questions, concerns, and feedback to pass along to paralegal faculty. When the Secretary is not able to attend, the Secretary shall delegate note-taking responsibilities to another.
Current Secretary: Angie Dent
The Treasurer shall keep track of fundraising efforts for the Washington D.C. Trip. This includes making and keeping a budget with all fundraising amounts and reporting on such efforts in the weekly meetings.
The Communication Specialist shall be responsible for monitoring the YellowDig board and creating announcements and pins to notify paralegal students of projects, fundraising campaigns, and other activities in which the Paralegal Club is engaged. The Communication Specialist shall work with the Vice-President in helping to update YellowDig with relevant Paralegal Club meeting information.
Current Communications Specialist: Matthew Conrad
The Associate Representative shall create outreach templates and ideas to invite other associate degree students to participate in the Paralegal Club. The Associate Representative shall additionally conduct outreach for the Paralegal Club to associate degree students and serve as a liaison in representing the interests of associate degree students.
Current AA Representative: Erik Velasco
The Bachelor Representative shall create outreach templates and ideas to invite other bachelor’s degree students to participate in the Paralegal Club. The Bachelor Representative shall additionally conduct outreach for the Paralegal Club to bachelor’s degree students and serve as a liaison in representing the interests of the bachelor’s degree students.
Current BA Representative: Jen Power
The D.C. Planning Coordinator will serve as a student leader in coordinating the student D.C. trip, keep track of plans related to such trip, help coordinate student travel, research tours and activities in D.C. in which students express interest, assist in drafting conduct correspondence with all students who plan to attend the D.C. trip The D.C. Planning Coordinator will additionally report on D.C. plans in the weekly Paralegal Club meetings and on the Paralegal Club YellowDig board.
Current D.C. Planning Coordinator: Steven Fogleson
The Paralegal Club Organizing Committee Members shall work with Paralegal Club leadership to assist in the operation of the Paralegal Club. There may be specialized committee members who shall be given specific tasks related to the Paralegal Club based on the need of the organization and the skills of the member.
Expectations of Members
- Members are encouraged to attend weekly meetings and engage in the Canvas course, including the accompanying YellowDig board.
- Members are encouraged to complete their coursework on time and keep up with their classes.
- Members are encouraged to participate in discussions both in meetings and on the YellowDig board.
- Members are encouraged to propose and take the lead on discussion topics.
- Members are encouraged to express their concerns with and feedback concerning the paralegal program, the Paralegal Club, and other matters related to Bryan University.
Goals of the Paralegal Club
- To provide a place for students to build community and connect with one another.
- To practice engaging in discussions and debate with peers.
- To create a space for students to ask and answer questions with one another
- To help plan the paralegal trip to Washington D.C.
- To gain leadership and managerial experience.
- To learn how to maximize teamwork in professional settings.
Expectations of Officers
- Officers are expected to attend weekly meetings or find people to fulfill their roles if they are unable to attend.
- Officers are expected to pass their classes with a C or better and be an example to other students of scholastic achievement.
- Officers are expected to be leaders in the meeting and work toward a goal of inclusivity.
- Officers are encouraged to actively listen to their peers and seek to serve the best interests of the paralegal student body.
- Officers will serve a max of 9 months in any role. Titles must be relinquished within 6 months after graduation.
- Officers will be self-nominated and chosen by paralegal faculty based on interests, qualifications, and experience. However, all are encouraged to apply, including those with little formal leadership experience.
- Officers will relinquish their position if they withdraw from the paralegal program, take a leave of absence, or fail a class.
- Officers shall only be permitted to serve in one position at a time.
- Officers may be removed by paralegal faculty and staff for failure to fulfill position responsibilities, conduct that does not support the goals and purposes of the Paralegal Club, and for other reasons deemed necessary.
- Students who wish to hold an Position of Office may submit an application by completing this online form.